NESA continues to regularly engage with key departments to remain informed and provide feedback around the impacts of COVID-19.

We encourage all NESA members to make contact:

09NESA logo cmyk USE 300x167 - COVID-19 Support

Emerging Issues

03 9624 2390

Employee Relations Online - COVID-19 Support

HR related queries

Paul Maguire
Maguire Consulting
1300 021 800

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insurance related assistance

Jodi Sharman-Caminiti
Marsh Advantage Insurance
03 9603 2715
0414 648 890


16 OCTOBER 2020

  • jobactive
  • DES
  • CDP
  • Right Fit For Risk Interest Group – Update
  • REMINDER! Employment Services Workforce Survey of Remuneration & HRM Performance 2020
  • Special Announcement 

REMINDER! Employment Services Workforce Survey of Remuneration & HRM Performance 2020

The Biennial Survey of Remuneration Benchmarks and HRM Performance in the Australian Employment Services Sector 2020 is up and running.

We have received a great response so far and strongly encourage all members to participate in the survey.

Data collected this year on the impact of COVID-19 emergency measures will provide valuable insights informing how NESA represents your interests to the Australian government. There is also a valuable financial reward for participation in the form of exclusive discounts (up to 40%) on the purchase price of the Report published in December 2020.

The survey closes 2 November 2020.
If you can’t locate the invitation please contact
If you have any questions or you do not wish to participate in the Survey please contact Maguire Consulting

7 OCTOBER 2020

  • NESA in the news
  • New Job Seeker/Participant Tags Subscription Report to Assist You Manage Return to Face-To-Face Servicing

Last night the Treasurer handed down one of the most significant budgets in Australia’s history. With our nations economic recovery at the forefront there are a number of key measures and significant investments to boost our economy, secure jobs for Australians, secure pathways to employment and skill our nation as we recover from the shocks of COVID-19.  

Employment Services
The Government is investing in a range of initiatives to respond to the challenges facing job seekers and employers. These initiatives will ensure that current and future employment services are well-positioned to deliver effective and targeted assistance to help Australians back into work as quickly as possible and to support the national economic recovery.
This package includes $143.7 million over four years from 2020-21 to provide targeted support to people who have lost their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including: 

  • $4 billion over three years for Jobmaker Hiring Credit for those under 35 who are on welfare
  • $62.8 million over two years from 2020-21 to establish a Local Jobs Program
  • $35.8 million in 2021-22 to maintain Employment Fund credits 
  • $21.9 million over four years from 2020-21 to quickly connect young people (aged 15—24) to specialist youth assistance delivered through the Transition to Work service
  • $17.4 million over two years from 2020-21 to temporarily modify the existing Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Program to make it available to all job seekers participating in employment services
  • $5.7 million over two years from 2020-21 to extend eligibility for the New Business Assistance within the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme program to individuals undertaking part-time work or study or those with caring responsibilities

The Government will also invest $295.9 million over four years from 2020-21 (including $150.7 million in capital funding) to establish a new digital employment services platform that will be available to all Australians. 

The Government will further leverage and refocus existing employment services programs to those most in need of assistance. This is estimated to result in savings of $1.4 billion over four years from 2020-21 and includes:

  • expanding Online Employment Services to all of the most job-ready job seekers 
  • making the Youth Jobs PaTH (Prepare-Trial-Hire) Internship program demand driven
  • streamlining the delivery of employment services by better targeting specialist disability employment services to those most in need, simplifying employment services registration and referral processes 

The Government will also introduce a new funding cap for the Capped Wage Subsidy Pool program, with approximately $18.3 million remaining per year to encourage businesses to employ eligible individuals participating in Disability Employment Services and the ParentsNext program.

This package also includes $19.4 million over four years from 2020-21 to provide targeted support to employers, disadvantaged job seekers and seasonal workers who are most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including:

  • $9.0 million over three years from 2020-21 to ensure the welfare of Pacific workers participating in the Seasonal Worker’s Program
  • $16.3 million over three years from 2020-2021 to incentivise seasonal participation in the agricultural industry
  • $6.5 million over two years from 2020-21 to temporarily modify the New Employment Services Trial (NEST) 

$3.9 million in 2021-22 to extend the Time to Work Employment Services program by one year to 30 June 2022 

Click here for an overview of the relevant measures for our sector.**Please note the information provided in this document are direct excerpts from the Budget Paper and are not to be interpreted as NESA commentary. 

For further information and fact sheets please refer to the Budget 2020-21 Website.


2 OCTOBER 2020

  • ParentsNext – Deed Extended to 30 June 2024
  • Right Fit For Risk – Update
  • DES
  • Modern Manufacturing Strategy
  • COVIDSafe Plans
  • Working for Victoria Youth Employment Program – A Jobs Victoria Initiative
  • Employment Services Workforce Survey of Remuneration & HRM Performance 2020

Modern Manufacturing Strategy

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced the Modern Manufacturing Strategy and some key financial commitments from Government.

Visit the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources for information on the strategy.

COVIDSafe Plans

The National COVID-19 Commission (NCC) has compiled a business advice resource to help businesses plan and support operations as Australia continues to adapt to COVID-19 and moves into economic recovery.

The resource has practical information and advice on dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 at different stages of business, including:

  • coping
  • pivoting
  • growing
  • starting a business
  • looking to exit and wind up your operations.

Given the difficult operating environment businesses are facing at this time, this resource aims to assist with making informed decisions regarding your business’s future.

Working for Victoria Youth Employment Program – A Jobs Victoria Initiative

An exciting new employment program offering roles for young people in the Victorian public service.

Young people are among the most severely impacted by the economic downturn – we are seeing a larger proportion of people aged under 30 lose work and we know it will take longer for them to find a new job.

In response, the Victorian Government has launched the new Working for Victoria Youth Employment Program (YEP). Up to 800 young people will have the opportunity to kickstart their careers and develop their skills for the future. These 6-12 month jobs in the public service will give young Victorians a foot in the door through on-the-job experience and training.

The Youth Employment Program is open to Victorians who are:

  • aged between 17 and 29 years at the time of application
  • unemployed
  • eligible to be employed by the Victorian Government.

Jobs Victoria have developed an information pack you can use to raise awareness of the Youth Employment Program amongst young people.

Visit to register and find out more.


  • NESA in the news
  • New Job Seeker/Participant Tags Subscription Report to Assist You Manage Return to Face-To-Face Servicing

NESA in the News
With a number of changes to occur to Income Support Payments and Mutual Obligations as we head towards the end of September, I continue to highlight the ability for job seekers to opt-out of the Online Employment Service and the preparedness of the sector to service more job seekers. Click here to read the most recent article 


  • Release of the Proposed licensing system for the New Employment Services Model: Discussion paper
  • The Advanced Roll-Out of the Online Employment Service
  • NESA in the News

Release of the Proposed licensing system for the New Employment Services Model: Discussion paper
Today DESE has released the Proposed licensing system for the New Employment Services Model: Discussion paper.

Submissions close 12:00pm AEDT Wednesday 28 October 2020. Lodgement of submissions by email is preferred and can be sent to Please visit the DESE website for further information.  


NESA in the News
Yesterday I was interviewed for ABC Radio National to address the sectors concerns regarding the advanced roll-out of the Online Employment Service and to take the opportunity to refute any misleading commentary directed at our sector.

28 AUGUST 2020

  • Upcoming NESA Member Consultation Sessions
  • Employment Services Workforce Survey of Remuneration & HR Performance 2020
  • Gradual Return of CDP Services
  • Booking Appointments – How ESSWeb converts ‘Any’ and ‘Contact’ Timeslots to ‘Initial’ Timeslots for Services Australia staff
  • Long Service Benefits Portability Act – VIC
  • Inquiry into Sustainable Employment for Disadvantaged Jobseekers

Employment Services Workforce Survey of Remuneration & HR Performance 2020
It’s been two years since the last Employment Services Workforce: Survey of Remuneration and HRM Performance.

The survey is ready to go once again this year if you are!

However, due to the unusual circumstances in which we are working, we thought it would be a good idea to gauge the interest of the sector in participating in the survey before we get too far ahead of ourselves. 

Just to remind you the survey reports on benchmark remuneration of 20 key personnel, from frontline staff to senior management and the Board. It also explores benchmarks in recruitment and retention, induction, learning and development, employee reward and welfare, workplace flexibility and the cost of employment.

The information collected enables the sector to understand how it performs compared to the rest of the Australian economy as well as allowing individual organisations to benchmark their HRM performance against the key indicators of good management practice for their sector. 

Long Service Benefits Portability Act – VIC

The Long Service Benefits Portability Act and Regulations became operational on 1 July 2019. 

The Act is currently supported by Interim Regulations which expire on 6 November 2020. The Interim Regulations will remain in place until the permanent Regulations are made.

The Minister for Industrial Relations has determined that there will be some changes made to the exposure draft Regulations.

For further information please access the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme page


Inquiry into Sustainable Employment for Disadvantaged Jobseekers

The Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee have released the final report for the Inquiry into sustainable employment for disadvantaged jobseekers.

Among its 70 recommendations, the Committee supported the continuation of the Jobs Victoria Employment Network along with changes to its funding model, expansion of training opportunities at Learn Locals and Aboriginal-controlled organisations, and widespread adoption of social procurement across local government. It also recommended the co-design and co-development of employment programs with employers and jobseekers and the development of a youth employment strategy and regional skills demand profiles.

The Committee acknowledges the economic impact COVID-19 will exacerbate employment barriers for jobseekers facing disadvantage and make searching for work more competitive. The Committee recognises the impact of COVID-19 increases the urgency of implementing the report’s recommendations to avoid the scarring effect of long-term unemployment for these jobseekers.

3 AUGUST 2020

  • Mutual Obligation

Ministers Cash, Ruston and Robert have released a joint media release confirming the resumption of Mutual Obligation will be paused in Victoria following yesterdays Victorian Stage 4 Lockdown announcements by the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews

31 JULY 2020

  • DES
  • Closing the Gap Refresh Update
  • ParentsNext
  • COVID-19 Update

Closing the Gap Refresh Update
The Prime Minister, Minister for Indigenous Australian’s Ken Wyatt and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations announced a new national agreement on Closing the Gap targets.

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap has 16 national socio-economic targets across areas that have an impact on life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The progress against the targets will be monitored by the Productivity Commission and will help all parties to the National Agreement understand how their efforts are contributing to progress over the next ten years.

Click here for further detail

23 JULY 2020

  • Economic and Fiscal Update
  • New PaTH Business Placement Partnerships Program Pilot
  • Feedback Request – JobTrainer

Today the Treasurer provided the long awaited Economic and Fiscal Update. The level of financial investment and support provided to Australians to date is unprecedented and moving forward will be scaled to continue to provide support. Click here for detailed information on the various supports that have been and plan to be implemented by Government.

New PaTH Business Placement Partnerships Program Pilot
As part of today’s budget announcements, Minister Cash announced the New PaTH Business Placement Partnerships Program Pilot, this program aims to connect young job seekers to employers with significant workforce needs in growing industries.

$10 million dollars has been allocated to trial government and industry co-designing employment pathways for young workers using elements of the Youth Jobs PaTH Program and other existing programs and training services.

A range of industry partners will be approached through a limited tender to establish a panel to respond to emerging opportunities and forward plan through the next two years.

Through Youth Jobs PaTH, businesses can also receive a wage subsidy of up to $10,000 for eligible participants to help settle them into the workplace. 

The limited tender will be conducted in August 2020.

21 JULY 2020

  • Gradual Return of Mutual Obligation Requirements
  • Jobkeeper Payment and Income Support Extended
  • DES IT System Update

Gradual Return of Mutual Obligation Requirements

Today Ministers Cash and Ruston have released a joint statement announcing from 4 August 2020, job seekers who refuse to take up suitable job offers, without a reasonable excuse will be subject to penalties.

Job seekers are expected to participate in appointments with providers, agree to a Job Plan, undertake a job search, and attend activities if it is safe to do so. If a job seeker is unable to meet these requirements no payment suspensions or financial penalties will be applied.

Access the DESE website for further information and a job seeker fact sheet.

Jobkeeper Payment and Income Support Extended

Today the Prime Minister announced the JobKeeper Payment will be extended by six months to 28 March 2021 and the temporary Coronavirus Supplement for those on income support will be extended until 31 December 2020.

In relation to JobKeeper Payment:

  • A two-tiered payment will be introduced from 28 September:
    • $1200 Full Rate vs $750 Less than 20 Hours worked per fortnight rate for period 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021
    • $1000 Full Rate vs $650 Less than 20 Hours worked per fortnight rate for period 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021
  • From 28 September 2020, businesses, and not-for-profits will be required to reassess their eligibility by reference to their actual June and September quarter turnovers demonstrating an ongoing significant decline in turnover
  • To remain eligible for the JobKeeper Payment in the March quarter 2021, employers will need to reassess eligibility for the March quarter by demonstrating that they have met the relevant decline in actual turnover in each of the previous three quarters ending on 31 December 2020

In relation to the COVID-19 Supplement:

  • The Government will extend the payment period of the temporary Coronavirus Supplement for those on income support from 25 September 2020 to 31 December 2020
  • As the economy reopens, the Coronavirus Supplement will be extended at the rate of $250 per fortnight
  • Both existing and new income support recipients will continue to be paid the Coronavirus Supplement
  • From 25 September 2020, the assets test and the Liquid Assets Waiting Period will be reintroduced and the JobSeeker Payment partner income test will increase from 25 cents for every dollar of partner income earned over $996 per fortnight to 27 cents for every dollar of partner income earned over $1,165 per fortnight.
  • The Government will increase the income free area for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance (Other) from $106 per fortnight to $300 per fortnight and will simplify the taper rate from a dual taper of 50 cents and 60 cents to a single taper of 60 cents. Individuals will be able to earn up to $300 per fortnight without foregoing any JobSeeker payment or affecting their eligibility for the Coronavirus Supplement. The expanded criteria for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance (Other) will continue until 31 December 2020
  • Reduced waiting times, including the Ordinary Waiting Period, Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period (NARWP) and the Seasonal Work Preclusion Period, will continue to be waived until 31 December 2020.

Further information and fact sheets on JobKeeper and COVID-19 Supplement can also be found on

1 JULY 2020

  • Sally Sinclair, ABC Radio interview
  • Resumption of Services in the Community Development Program
  • IAS Employment Outcome Audit
  • DES
  • Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2020 (Vic) Consultation
  • VET Stakeholder Committee Meeting
  • National Skills Commission

Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2020 (Vic) Consultation
The Victoria State Government has undertaken a review of the Long Service Benefits Portability Interim Regulations. NESA has responded to the public consultation, submission are now closed.

More information about the Vic Government Long Service Leave arrangements can be found here

National Skills Commission

The National Skills Commission (NSC) has released its first publication, A snapshot in time: Australia’s Labour Market and COVID-19. This report provides insight into the shocks being experienced within the labour market across various cohorts. There are also some glimmers of hope, with the OECD acknowledging that Australia’s economic resilience was greater than most.

The NSC has also launched a new website,

26 JUNE 2020

  • IT Major System Release – 26 June 2020
  • New Employment Services update and Licensing System Webinar – Date change
  • Checklist for a COVIDSafe and sustainable business
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • WAPES – Public Employment Services mobilizes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Survey
  • Cyber Security Resource
  • Key Program Updates
  • NESA Member Good News Stories
  • Communicare relaunches White Ribbon Australia

Checklist for a COVIDSafe and sustainable business
As COVID-19 restrictions are eased across Australia, it’s more important than ever that we continue to follow the latest guidance and requirements identified by health authorities to keep our communities safe. For businesses, this means ensuring COVIDSafe workplaces that protect staff, customers and visitors.
You may already be aware of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission’s business planning tool. The tool is aimed at helping businesses create individual plans to:

  • put safety protections in place for their workers and customers
  • communicate with employees and their families and customers
  • manage a case of coronavirus in the workplace
  • restart after a coronavirus incident.

The NCCC has also developed a checklist to help businesses work through safety, logistical and sustainability issues as well as providing information on where to access advice and assistance. 

The checklist reminds businesses of the steps they should be taking to be COVIDSafe and includes new guidance to develop plans for a sustainable future.  As we return to social activity and the economy begins to recover, it will be essential for all businesses to plan for their future in a COVID-constrained environment.  

We also strongly recommend members continue to visit the websites of state and territory government COVID-19 safe work website and SafeWork Australia, where a wide range of helpful materials can be accessed. has posters, stickers and decals on topics such as capacity numbers, social distancing and hygiene that can be displayed to demonstrate your organisation has taken appropriate steps to ensure the premises are as COVIDSafe as possible.  
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
The ILO has published a number of COVID-19 related resources and materials which provide international insights and suggested policy responses to the global impacts of COVID-19.

WAPES – Public Employment Services mobilizes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Survey
WAPES has conducted a survey titled “PES mobilizes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic” which covers 72 countries over five continents. The survey provides insights into economic support measures, service continuity arrangements, workforce transitions and recommendations for servicing arrangements in the future.

As highlighted within the Australian context, WAPES note “the crisis of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for more horizontal and decentralized organizations with more autonomy for greater flexibility and responsiveness to events. Agility, empathy, and resilience are the markers of this difficult episode; we can make them lasting markers of our decision-making”.
Cyber Security Resource
Cyber Security remains an ongoing priority, Marsh Insurance have developed a quick guide addressing Rising Cyber Threats: How to remain resilient and a Cyber Self-Assessment tool.  

Communicare relaunches White Ribbon Australia
This week Communicare relaunched White Ribbon Australia. The relaunch brings a renewed focus on community and committing its resources, advocacy, and activities to bringing about meaningful change in the elimination of gendered violence in Australia.

Brad Chilcott has been appointed as the new Executive Director and brings to the role extensive leadership and change making experience within the community sector.  

Statistics on gendered violence:

  • On average, the cost of leaving a violent relationship is about 141 hours and $18,000
  • Police respond to 650 domestic violence incidents every day. That’s one every two minutes. Yet over 80% of women who experienced violence have never contacted the police.
  • Over 100,000 people a year report to homelessness services that they are fleeing domestic violence. 94% of them are women and children.
  • Australia’s full time gender pay gap is 14%, with women earning on average $241.50 per week less than men.

Click here to read the Media Release or visit the Communicare website for more information.

19 JUNE 2020

  • Australia’s unemployment rate
  • Sally Sinclair, ABC Radio Brisbane interview
  • jobactive Outcomes COVID-19 Update
  • DES Provider Teleconferences
  • New Employment Services: Trial Update and Proposed Licensing System Webinar – 25 June 2020

Australia’s unemployment rate has jumped to 7.1 per cent in May from 6.4 per cent in April, the highest level since October 2001. 838,000 Australians have lost their jobs, 227,700 Australians lost their jobs last month. The participation rate fell to 62.9 per cent, the lowest level since 2001. The underemployment rate is at 13.1 per cent. Youth and female employment have fallen significantly.

Yesterday the Prime Minister noted although these statistics are unsurprising “Australia has put in place the biggest measure of income support the country has ever seen to cushion the blow, but the blow is still devastating and great”.

The impacts on the true unemployment figures are yet to be fully realised. JobKeeper has kept 3.3 million employed however the future of these jobs may be determined by the pending cessation of the JobKeeper Scheme in September.  

As Government contemplates the future arrangements of JobKeeper and JobSeeker, it has been “suggested the government sees JobSeeker, with its links to employment services, as a better long-term option than the JobKeeper wage subsidy”.

In relation to JobKeeper economists are quick to warn “A premature removal could pave the way for a secondary recession, job losses and bankruptcies.”

Whilst no decision has been taken to cut the JobSeeker payment at this stage, the longstanding calls to increase the payment have been reignited.

The economic emergency, by necessity, has seen co-operation and more flexibility in the way work gets done. Mr Morrison said this mindset would be vital in recovery because too-rigid systems would mean people needlessly losing jobs in the tricky transition in the latter part of the year and beyond.
The Treasurer is due to release an Economic Statement on 23 July 2020.
This morning I was interviewed by Rebecca Levingston, ABC Radio Brisbane and discussed the temporary Employment Fund arrangements and the potential future impacts of returning to the previous arrangements.

12 JUNE 2020

  • Temporary changes to jobactive payment model
  • NESA Submission to the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic Senate Inquiry
  • DES Star Ratings
  • Cyber Security
  • ACCI

Temporary changes to jobactive payment model

Yesterday DESE announced temporary changes to the jobactive Payment Model. Administration Fees and Employment Outcomes. 

These changes are welcomed following NESA’s continued advocacy on this particular issue –

DES Star Ratings

DSS have publicly released the DES March 2020 Star Ratings – Click here to access

Cyber Security

It has recently come to light that cyber scamming is on the rise, particularly with COVID-19 affecting us all to some degree. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) released an update in May on cyber security guidance for government agents. The links below have information that might be of interest and use to your organisations

Cyber Security for Agents of Government Services

Summary of Tradecraft Trends for 2019-20: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Used to Target Australian Networks


ACCI have released information and resources that you may find of interest:  

• New COVID-19 guidance published on the Safe Work Australia website regarding Mobile consultants and client engagement services 

COVID-19 Small business planning tool, outlining the key steps and considerations for small business operating during COVID-19  

18 MAY 2020

  • Labour Force Data
  • NESA strategically working to refute and correct misinformation
  • Mutual Obligation Arrangements – Extended to 1 June 2020
  • Reminder! COVID-19 Senate Inquiry – NESA Member Consultation Survey – closing COB 20 May 2020
  • NESA Member Consultation – Friday 22 May 2020 – 12pm-1pm AEST – Teleconference
  • COVID-19 Senate Inquiry – Public Hearings
  • DES
  • CDP

The early realities of COVID-19 have been realized in the latest labour force data, with employment falling by 4.6% in April and unemployment rising by 14.5% as announced by Minister Cash last week. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose by 1.0 percentage point, to 6.2 per cent in April, the highest rate recorded since September 2015. Treasury forecast the unemployment rate to rise to 10 per cent in the June quarter 2020.

COVID-19 Senate Inquiry – Public Hearings
DESE are scheduled to appear before the COVID-19 Senate Inquiry Select Committee tomorrow (19 May 2020) from 1.00pm onwards.

12 MAY 2020

  • NESA Survey
  • DESE
  • DES
  • CDP

1 MAY 2020

  • Message to job seekers – Mutual Obligations Exemption ending
  • Select Committee on COVID-19 (Public Information)
  • COVIDSafe App (Public Information)
  • JobKeeper Payment Update – enrolment extended until 31 May 2020 (Public Information)
  • Research and Reporting (Public Information)
  • ACCI COVID-19 Government Assistance Guide
  • Jobactive
  • DSS
  • CDP
  • ESSWeb

Select Committee on COVID-19
A Select Committee on COVID-19 has recently been announced. Whilst the Terms of Reference are broad, this a welcome opportunity to highlight the sector.

Submissions are due by 28 May 2020.
More than 2 million people have downloaded the COVIDSafe App since its launch on Sunday.
Downloading the app is voluntary, however the Government is aiming for 10 million people (40%) to download the contact-tracing app for it to be a success and influence relaxation of current restrictions.   
Click here for more information about the App

JobKeeper Payment Update – enrolment extended until 31 May 2020
The ATO has extended the time to enrol for the initial two JobKeeper payment fortnights, from 30 April 2020 until 31 May 2020. 

Payments for the first two fortnights (30 March – 12 April, 13 April – 26 April), must now be made by 8 May 2020 for businesses wishing to receive JobKeeper payments for April. 
As the rules around JobKeeper payment continue to be firmed up, the Government is clarifying some key operational areas. Click here to read the Minister’s Media Release – 24 April 2020 for an overview of these.
The Fair Work Commission has released the Jobkeeper disputes benchbook. The guide has been released to assist parties lodging or responding to JobKeeper dispute applications under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
Research and Reporting 
Today the government has the released the final report on the Inquiry into the adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia.

The OECD has recently published the Coronavirus (COVID-19) From pandemic to recovery: Local employment and economic development and the Public employment services in the frontline for jobseekers, workers and employers

The Labour Market Information Portal (LMIP) has also provided fact sheets and data on the impacts of COVID-19 onto businesses.

22 APRIL 2020

  • Joint statement from Minister’s Cash and Ruston
  • Employment Fund credit
  • Managing Your Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • HR & IR Support – NESA member portal

Today in a joint statement Minister’s Cash and Ruston have announced the lifting of Mutual Obligations will continue until 22 May 2020 as a result of the impact of COVID-19.

To further assist job seekers to prepare for and move quickly back into work, the Morrison Government is also bringing forward the Employment Fund credit for the most job-ready job seekers to be available immediately, rather than after 13 weeks, which is currently the case.

For further information please read the Minister’s joint Media Release and the most recent CEO Letter – 22  April 2020 which details these arrangements and other timely updates.

Managing Your Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic
There has been an overwhelming demand for information on how to manage the workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic as well as information on understanding new Government initiatives including variations to Awards.

The Employee Relations Online subscriptions service provides you with HR & IR support that covers all employees’ relations issues including:

  • Coronavirus response
  • Industry pay rates
  • Awards conditions
  • Leave and holidays
  • Workplace agreements
  • Termination of employment
  • Employee tax and superannuation
  • Health and Safety

Membership also gives you access to useful resources such as fact sheets, pay scales, guides, calculators, templates and model employment policies; Updates informing of the latest news and additions to our extensive library of resources; Confidential and expert advice online and via the 1300 Priority Help Desk.

As a NESA Member, you receive access to the Basic subscription level HR essentials, and can upgrade at any time.

Log in to the HR & IR Support NESA member portal to preview the most recent information and advice from Employee Relations Online.

Visit the Employee Relations Online website for further information or call 1300 021 800.

21 APRIL 2020

  • Job Seeker Referrals
  • CTA Program Update
  • DSS Communications
  • CDP Funding Arrangements
  • IT Update
  • ParentsNext Family Violence Resources
  • JobKeeper Payment (public)
  • Benefits of NEIS Webinar (public)

JobKeeper Payment
We continue to liaise with members in working through the JobKeeper Payment eligibility requirements. Since the Bill was passed information has been updated and an additional factsheet titled ‘Protecting Integrity’ has been  released, we encourage members to review these. Please refer to the latest Factsheets, FAQ, Rules and Explanatory Statement.

NESA has participated in second Roundtable meeting with Minister Cash hosted by ACCI. The discussion focused on JobKeeper Payment arrangements – Click here to view the recording.

Benefits of NEIS – Free Webinar – 4 May 2020
With high volumes of new program participants entering the system providers will need to consider the most appropriate services to support job seekers back to employment. NEIS may be a suitable solution. 

NESA invites you to join the chair of the National NEIS Association (NNA), Phillip Kemp as he discusses the advantage New Business Assistance with NEIS has for jobactive providers, how NEIS benefits jobseekers and how NEIS will assist people when the Australian economy reopens for business.

The webinar is being held on Monday 4 May 2020 at 2pm AEST (1:30pm SA & NT, and 12noon WA) –  Please note, this is a free webinar session.  If you register and cannot attend on the day, you will be emailed the link to the recording. The session is expected to run no more than 60 minutes.

To register please click here

9 APRIL 2020

  • Seek – new job ads down
  • JobKeeper Payment
  • Roundtable with Minister Cash
  • COVID-19 Incentives Overview
  • Industry Code of Practice for commercial and retail tenants
  • DESE
  • DES
  • NIAA
  • TTW
  • New Business Assistance with NEIS – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Supplement
  • COAG
  • COVID-19 Webinar Series

Whilst job losses and the state of the labour market dominate the headlines, SEEK has revealed new job ads last week were down 65 per cent compared to the same week in 2019

JobKeeper Payment
Yesterday, the Australian Government passed the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Bill 2020 and the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus (Measures No. 2) Act 2020.

As you are aware these actions have enabled temporary amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 to allow employers to change workplace arrangements and claim JobKeeper payments until business conditions improve.

Please visit for further information and factsheets in relation to JobKeeper payment.

Roundtable with Minister Cash
On Monday (6 April 2020) Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business participated in a roundtable hosted by ACCI. The meeting discussed the JobKeeper payment, Rental Subsidy, VET and skills.

Click here to watch a video recording of the meeting
Click here to read the JobKeeper payment – FAQ – as referenced in the meeting

COVID-19 Incentives Overview
Over the last month or so there has a been a number of major incentive announcements from the Federal and State Governments and other industry bodies. We have come across a collated overview of all of these which may be a useful resource to you and your teams managing COVID-19.

Click here to access COVID-19 Incentives Overview

Industry Code of Practice for commercial and retail tenants
On Tuesday (7 April 2020) the Prime Minister announced arrangements in relation to the mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial tenancies (Code). Key things to note:

  • Landlords will have to reduce leases in proportion to the reduction in the tenant’s business
  • Waivers will have to account for at least 50% of the reduction in business
  • Rental payments can be deferred and must be spread over the remaining time on a lease and for no less than 24 months
  • The code will apply to any tenancies where the landlord or tenant applies for the JobKeeper payment and where they have a turnover of $50 million or less
  • The arrangements will be overseen by binding mediation
  • A mandatory code will be rolled out in each state and territory
  • Banks have been called upon to provide support to larger commercial landlords

Tuesday’s All CEO Livestream covered a broad range of issues impacting jobactive as raised by the sector via NESA. Key topics addressed included: Job Seeker Referrals, Job Seeker Messaging, Job Plans, Outcomes, Permissible Breaks, Star Ratings, Maximum Time Transfers, the Quality Assurance Framework, Services Australia, NEIS and the impacts of JobKeeper payment.

Click here to access the livestream recording
Click here to read the most recent jobactive CEO Letter – 7 April 2020
**Please refer the Provider Portal for the most recent FAQ

NESA continues to work alongside DEA, NDS and JA to progress the priorities of the DES sector. In recent representations we have highlighted a range of issues from financial sustainability through to flexibility and program arrangements.

Today Ministers Ruston and Robert announced further supports for the disability sector including financial investment and support for DES, ADE’s and NDIS providers and participants. Click here to read the minister’s  joint media release.

DSS have also advised providers of additional measures available to DES providers including Advance Payment of Service Fees, participant communications, referrals and ESAts and other general information. Click here to read the most recent DSS CEO letter – 9 April 2020.

NESA continues to engage with NIAA on the program and funding implications relating to the Community Development Program in the COVID-19 response.  Our members are demonstrating the real value of community and employment services in these regions, with Providers delivering innovative community based responses to the current COVID-19 environment. We understand how critical funding certainty will be to ensuring that continues and are working urgently in seeking responses to outstanding questions from the sector.

We are also engaging now with NIAA on the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of the  Vocational Training and Employment Centres (VTECs).


The most recent TTW CEO letter outlines the upcoming changes in relation to the extension of TTW services from 12 to 18 months, movement of eligible participants from jobactive in exceptional circumstances and changes to enable authorised nominees to contact the NCSL on behalf of participants.

Click here to read a copy of the TTW CEO Letter – 7 April 2020

New Business Assistance with NEIS – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Supplement
Temporary changes have been introduced to NEIS to enable NEIS participants, should they choose to do so, to access the JobSeeker Payment, including the COVID-19 Supplement, while participating in the NEIS Program.

NEIS providers are encouraged to have conversations with existing and new NEIS participants about these arrangements.

Click here to read the most recent NEIS CEO Letter
Click here to read Coronavirus Supplement – Operational advice for NEIS providers


On 3 April 2020 COAG held its third meeting. The meeting focused on the immediate steps to support and protect the interests of students, workers, training and VET providers and positioning the sector to recover quickly post COVID-19.

The Council agreed to action in three key priority areas:

  • Critical skills and workforce availability
  • Provider viability
  • Supporting students

Click here to read the COAG Meeting Communique

COVID-19 Webinar Series

NESA and our Industry Partner (Indigenous Consulting Group) has designed a new COVID-19 Webinar Series to assist employers and employees that guides you through a comprehensive series of questions and responses.

Whilst other platforms are streaming basic assistance on how to work from home and deal with “cabin” fever, this Webinar series will assist in managing fears within your team, along with a thorough information pack including a Working From Home (WFH) checklist and sample COVID-19 Organisational Policies.
The 4 Webinar topics are:

  • Session 1: Understanding your requirements as a leader to address COVID-19 within your organisation
  • Session 2: Managing a team remotely in response to COVID-19

All Staff

  • Session 3: How to manage my role working from home
  • Session 4: How to manage my own mental health & well being

As noted above, this series has been broken down into 2 categories across 4 sessions. You may opt to register your teams for the Manager or Staff sessions only or you may wish to register for the complete series. Please visit the Professional Development tab on the NESA website for further information. 

1 APRIL 2020

  • All CEO Livestream Update – 31 March 2020

We understand a number of you had difficulty viewing the DESE All CEO Livestream yesterday. If you would still like to view it you can access the recording. Simply click the link you used to access the Livestream.  

Key topics covered included:

  • the newly announced $130 billion Jobkeeper Payment package – further detail can be accessed via
  • New job seeker flow into services
  • Advance Payment of Administration Fees 
  • Extended Mutual Obligation Requirements to 27 April 2020
  • NEIS arrangements
  • Job Seekers communication around engagement

Please continue to check the updated information and FAQ on the Provider Portal in relation to jobactive, DES and CDP

28 MARCH 2020

  • Mutual Obligation Suspension

Last evening the Morrison Government announced the continued suspension of Mutual Obligation until 27 April 2020. Click here to read the joint Media Release from Minister’s Cash and Ruston

25 MARCH 2020

  • Servicing Arrangements
  • Mutual Obligation
  • Work for the Dole

NESA continues to engage with all relevant departments and has been in touch with them today in light of the PM’s announcements as some of these immediately impact our sector.

As you will have seen in Nathan Smyth’s most recent correspondence, the announcements made by the Prime Minister last night have immediate implications for servicing arrangements, Mutual Obligation and Work for the Dole. Changes include:

    Servicing Arrangements

  • All services and appointments should now be delivered over the phone, online, video conference or other arrangements that do not require face-to-face contact
  • Face-to-face interactions should only occur in exceptional circumstances
  • The department will provide further direction and advice around practical arrangements for aspects of digital servicing i.e. signing forms online

    Mutual Obligation (MO) Contingency Arrangements

  • MO requirements will be automatically lifted for all job seekers and participants across all programs until 31 March 2020see joint media release from Ministers Cash and Ruston
  • No job seeker or participant will receive a payment suspension or a penalty
  • This has been implemented to ease system congestion on the MyGov website

    Work for the Dole (WfD)

  • All WfD activities, including Individual Hosted activities, are suspended effective immediately
  • Immediate action is required in ESSWeb – please refer to the attached CEO letter for guidance around system steps and job seeker and WfD Host communications
  • Click here to access the WfD Host Fact Sheet

To further support communications DESE have also provided updated fact sheets for employment service providers and job seekers.

Follow the links to access the fact sheets:   

Employment Service Providers 
Job Seekers

23 MARCH 2020

  • Employment Services an “essential service” 
  • DESE
  • DSS
  • CDP
  • NDIS

As it currently stands Employment Services are considered an “essential service” and will continue to operate. NESA is seeking further clarification and confirmation from all departments. For further information click here to read Prime Minister Morrison’s press release. 



  • Mutual Obligations for DESE and DSS participants remain in place.
  • Job Plans will be adjusted to a default requirement of 4 job searches per month.
  • Requirements to deliver face-to-face services will be removed, providers are expected to leverage existing and new flexibilities and are required to maintain sufficient sites to enable face-to-face servicing where it is appropriate to do so.
  • Providers are encouraged to deliver or refer job seekers to online training or phone/Skype based courses where participants have access to relevant devices.
  • IT changes will be required to ensure initial appointments, assessments and interactions with Services Australia operate as intended. Timeframes TBA.
  • WfD and other activities delivered in group settings have been suspended. Providers are directed to refresh risk assessments for  range of activities. The department continues to monitor individual placements and will advise of any further developments.
  • Other unpaid placements and project initiatives will only be continued on a case-by-case basis where appropriate and in line with health authorities.


  • New Participants will be required to have their initial appointment and complete their Participation Plan via phone or online. Following this new and existing participants will not be required to participate in further activities or appointments.
  • Providers will need to make monthly phone calls to deliver an outreach service and are asked to utilise online or group services as appropriate.

TWESProviders have been asked to make reasonable efforts to deliver a phone based outreach service.

ESTadvice on Deed changes for EST will be made available shortly. 


  • DES participants with Mutual Obligation requirements must continue to participate unless granted an exemption by Centrelink.
  • Providers are not required to deliver services face-to-face during this period and can choose to deliver contacts face-to-face, by telephone or video chat.
  • Providers are required via telephone or email to schedule a contact with a participant who has had a Major Personal Crisis exemption after their 14-day exemption ends.
  • Providers should review mandatory job search requirements and other activities in the Job Plan and make appropriate changes based on local conditions and the participant’s circumstances. Zero job searches and removal of all non-essential activities  may be appropriate.
  • Providers are responsible for determining their operational needs, and can choose to reduce hours or close some or all sites. Relationship Managers must be informed of business closure or adjustment decisions.
  • Providers are responsible for determining operational requirements, within program restraints when considering allowing staff to work from home. All staff must comply with the Department’s Security Policies and the Commonwealth’s Cybersafety Policy.
  • Providers should avoid travel to more remote locations and should deliver contacts through other arrangements where possible.
  • Providers may be eligible for assistance under the Cash Flow Boost or Delivering Support for Business Investment elements of the Government’s Economic Response.
  • Service Fees will not continue to be paid for participants who are on an exemption.
  • Services Fees will continue to be paid for participants who do not comply with contact or other requirements in their Job Plan.
  • From 1 March 2020,
    • DES providers can access extended Permissible Breaks where a participant remains employed but is unable to work the required number of hours.
    • Automatic approval is granted for all Ongoing Support Assessments to be conducted by telephone, where appropriate


  • Mutual Obligations for CDP participants will remain in place. Requirements for providers to deliver face-to-face servicing will be removed which will assist to limit job seekers and CDP staff travel between communities.
  • WfD and other activities delivered in group settings will be suspended.
  • Providers are expected to maintain service sites and staff where this is consistent with health advice.
  • If job seekers are engaged in online training or other online activities, providers have the flexibility to continue to deliver these activities to job seekers on a voluntary basis.
  • The NIAA will work with other government agencies to lift any existing suspensions and CD related penalties while biosecurity measures are in place. Providers are asked not to apply job seeker compliance during this time.
  • The NIAA will provide a monthly set payment to CDP providers in lieu in of activity based payments. The amounts will be determined with reference to previous payment periods and will be set at a level to enable providers to continue to provide CDP services.
  • All providers will be contacted by the NIAA this week to work through these arrangements.

Click here to read Minister Wyatt’s Media Release


The NDIA have announced a range of measures to ensure service continuity and support for participants and providers. These include extending NDIS plans up to 24 months, conducting phone meetings where possible, conducting proactive outreach to high-risk participants, and providing financial assistance to providers to support retention of workers. 

Click here to read Minister Robert’s Media Release

Click here for further detail about how the NDIA is working to implement these measures

19 MARCH 2020

  • Briefing documentation – DESE, DSS
  • Briefing documentation – NIAA

As we are all working through the unprecedented adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to reassure you that we have been working actively with governments and stakeholders to represent the sector’s views and to advocate for immediate measures to ensure that the sector remains viable so that members can be at the front line of responding to the consequent massive health and economic shocks.

Please find briefing documentation that has recently been provided to DESE, DSS (click here) and NIAA (click here) outlining solutions for sector support to enable vital services to continue. Fundamentally, we are advocating that government assures sector stability in line with expenditure forecasts whilst various policy and programme levers are adjusted to account for the impacts.

During this period our members have been well supported by our various industry partners, including Jodi Sharman-Caminiti and the team from Marsh Advantage (click here), Paul Maguire from Maguire Consulting (click here) and Paul Licuria and the team from alffie (click here).

If you require any support or want to provide feedback on developments of the impact of the pandemic please do not hesitate to contact us. We will also be continuing our active outreach to members to check on how you and your teams are faring during this very challenging period.

13 MARCH 2020

  • Nationwide Contingency Arrangements
  • Business Continuity Arrangements
  • Economic Response to the Coronavirus
  • Supporting you to support your staff
  • Stay up to date!

As a sector we are now facing the impacts and potential continued spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). NESA has engaged in active member outreach and has received feedback in relation to the immediate response and actions being undertaken by members to manage and mitigate the ongoing potential threat to operations and service delivery. Members have advised they are implementing risk and response management strategies as the severity of the situation escalates. 

NESA has provided feedback and briefing notes to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, the Department of Social Services and the National Indigenous Australians Agency. 

Nationwide Contingency Arrangements – (13 March 2020 – COB 20 March 2020)
As announced, Nationwide contingency arrangements will be in place for all programs (including CTA, DES, EST, jobactive, NEST, ParentsNext) and sites nationwide during the introduction of JobSeeker Payment.

These arrangements will be in effect from close of business Friday 13 March 2020 until close of business Friday 20 March 2020 inclusive.

For further detail around these arrangements please refer to the Provider Portal Notice ‘Nationwide contingency during the introduction of JobSeeker Payment’ – (posted 12 March 2020).

Business Continuity Arrangements
In addition to the Nationwide Contingency Arrangements, the departments have also provided advice around business continuity arrangements to support providers to manage operations throughout this period.

For further program specific information please refer to:

  • Jobactive CEO letter (12 March 2020)
  • DES COVID-19 Update (Provider Portal Notice – posted 12 March 2020)
  • CDP Coronavirus Update (Provider Portal Notice – posted 13 March 2020)
  • ParentsNext – Exemptions for Participants affected by COVID-19 (Provider Portal Notice – posted 13 March 2020)

Economic Response to the Coronavirus
The Australian Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic plan to support Australians and our economy throughout this crisis. The targeted stimulus package has been designed to:

  1. Support business investment
  2. Provide cash flow assistance for small and medium sized businesses (including wage subsidy support for apprentices)
  3. Provide stimulus payments to households to support growth (one-off payment of $750)
  4. Assist severely affected regions most significantly affected by the Coronavirus outbreak

For further detailed information visit

Stay up to date! 

As highlighted in the most recent departmental communications it is vital for organisations to stay up to date with advice and information published by the Department of Health, as well as state and territory health authorities.

For guidance around managing cash flow challenges and retaining employees during this crisis, refer to the Cash flow assistance for businesses fact sheet. This is a useful resource for member organisations and the employers you engage with.

NESA continues to regularly engage with key departments to remain informed and provide feedback around the impacts of COVID-19. We encourage all NESA members to contact the Policy Team to discuss any emerging issues ( – 03 9624 2390).


Department of Health

It is vital for organisations to stay up to date with advice and information published by the Department of Health, as well as state and territory health authorities.

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Risk managing vacant properties during the pandemic

Securing and managing vacant properties has become necessary for many organisations and businesses throughout the pandemic. We recommend a high level of vigilance to safeguard unoccupied buildings. 

Recognising the vital role Brokers play, we have established the following alerts to assist with your current guidance and advice for clients:

  • Risk Alert #4 – Provides advice on actions to take to secure the building and guidance for ongoing risk assessment to reduce loss or damage. It also includes a useful “checklist” to assist risk assessments. Click here to download. 

To view our previous Risk Alerts and resources to help your clients, click here.