Aware Logo Primary CMYK 300x154 - NESA Awards for Excellence 2021 - Employment Consultant of the Year - Criteria

Category Category Description:

This Award recognises employment services professionals who demonstrate excellence in helping disadvantaged Australians to achieve employment inclusion.

Category Eligibility:

Covers all applicable elements of the Overarching Award Eligibility Criteria.

In addition, open to individuals:

  • who provided employment assistance to job seekers and employers in the qualifying period: 1 July 2019 – 31 March 2021

Category Criteria

Introduction to the Nominee - Up to 300 words - Unscored but essential to providing background to judges

Provide a brief overview of the nominee, the site/location in which they work including the number of site staff, and a snapshot of the local demographics and socio-economic environment in which they work.

Name and provide a brief description of the employment services organisation which employs the nominee. NOTE: All other responses must relate to the achievements and outcomes of the nominee.

Criterion 1 - Up to 500 words – Weighted 10%

Provide a detailed overview of the nominee.

This may include but is not limited to their current role and objectives, work history, educational background, community engagement, and any achievements or public recognition they have received as well as personal or professional challenges/adversity overcome to reach this point in their career.

Criterion 2 - Up to 500 words – Weighted 30%

Describe the key obstacles facing job seekers and/or employers assisted by the nominee during the qualifying period.

Describe the support, strategies and/or initiatives used by the nominee to assist job seekers and/or employers to achieve employment outcomes.

For example, responses may demonstrate, but are not limited to, ways the individual was creative or persistent, how they engaged job seekers and/or employers, collaborated with stakeholders, effectively developed employment pathways, pre-employment and/or employer led strategies, responded to setbacks or changing circumstance, effectively used tools or resources e.g. labour market information, Employment Fund, Wage Subsidies or Workplace Modifications.

Criterion 3 - Up to 300 words – Weighted 10%

Provide a specific case study that illustrates excellence in the nominee’s practice and strategies to achieve employment outcomes for disadvantaged job seekers.

Criterion 4 - Up to 500 words - Weighted 30%

Provide information and data that demonstrate the nominee’s high performance and excellence in their role.

Relevant statistics will show the individual’s high performance in comparison to the site average, the organisation and overall average for all providers in the geographical region in which they work. The response may include other specific information such as caseload, job seeker, employer, community organisation and other stakeholder feedback, additional initiatives or activities implemented or engaged in by the individual that contributed to their performance and that of the wider organisation.

Criterion 5 - Up to 300 words – Weighted 20%

Describe how the nominee demonstrates commitment to their personal and professional development and support of their management and peers.

Professional development includes formal education and training as well as informal professional development such as but not limited to reading, participation in practice or interest groups, unaccredited workshops and workplace training, seeking peer supervision/guidance, community engagement)

Supporting Material – (Required) – Up to 1 A4 page

Provide a statement from the nominee’s employer indicating the reasons they support the nomination on this individual for this Award.

Supporting Material (Optional) - Unscored

You may provide up to five A4 pages of evidence to support the claims made in the nomination. Please combine all supporting material into a single document (.pdf or MSOffice files). Cross-referencing supporting material in the criteria response is essential. Supporting information may include, but is not limited to, photos, data, graphs, and copies of commendations or other letters of recognition.



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